Monday, February 16, 2015

April 24th, 2012

Hey kids yeah so my orange pen doesn't work that well so I'm going to take it out of this whole writing process thing. Sorry but...OK I'm going to take the black out too so yeah in five, four, three, two, one, boom it's out. OK so today I got a compliment from another teacher and it totally fixed my whole day. Not that I had a problem or anything...OK maybe I had a little problem today. Well, I was real mad because they weren't selling my fave ice cream which is the Oreo Pop. Yeah, but the compliment made my day so it's all good! Yeah, another thing happened today. Well,  we were playing math Jeopardy in school today. It was so funny because Ryan was like umm...then he started stressin' out like POLYGON? PARALLELOGRAM? Everyone started cracking up oh and also everyone started cracking up when Mick said I surrender. Oh and it was so mean of Sebastian though for sayin' "Why didn't you know the question?" I mean I had to look at the fudgin' shape first to find out what the shape was! I guess he ISN'T my Carvel Ice Cream! So teen me, you don't have to worry about THAT anymore! He learned his lesson:

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